الأحد، 30 مارس 2014
Create a Simple Tic Tac Toe game in VB 2010

In this tutorial we will see how to create a Tic Tac Toe Game.It's not a multiplayer game , you can play with CPU.The level is not tought at all . ...
الثلاثاء، 25 مارس 2014
Apply online to get your voter id card!
Election Commission of Bharat has introduced a system to register the voters online. It is pretty simple to use the system.1. Click on the link- http://eci-citizenservices.nic.in/2. Select the link option “New User Registration”.3. Enter your mobile number(Give...
Bitdefender Total Security 2014 Serial Keys
Watch Video : Keys :Bitdefender Total Security 18/02/2014 NSWCJCM - 1 year LCEXRF7 - 1 year 0ZE5LZP - 1 year P5UA7KP - 1 year KDAGD5H - 1 year EM4VCU4 - 1 year SEGH2XM - 1 year U2VSMAB - 1 year E52HEDV - 90 days SVYYTWD - 90 days K17X3CG - 60 days ...
السبت، 22 مارس 2014
IDM 7.1 Cracked
Hey peps ..This is the latest version of IDM & we don't need to run a patch or keygenIt is automatically cracked ..you just need to run the setup ..features of IDM 7.1***************************************************Note : If idm is already installed and saying : IDM is...
الخميس، 20 مارس 2014
How To Insert Like button To Downloads in Blogger:
In this article i will show you how to insert a facebook like button before download button.Still Confused ?What it is ?The best example for this is the survey site .They allow user to download file only after completing the surveyIt is same like that but here user needs to like our facebook picture .Then only they can download the fileWe will insert...
Top Online Logo Makers

We all need logo's for our website,blog,companies etc , I thought of creating a list of free Logo maker Websites. You can make logo in few steps from these websites.Here are the list of Top Online Logo Makers :http://www.graphicsprings.com/h...
الخميس، 13 مارس 2014
Give Labels a stylish look

Steps : Go to Template -> Edit HTML Find ]]> and copy the code of label style you like above ]]> Save Template Style 1: .label-size a { display: inline-block; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); padding: 4px 7px; font-family: 'Helvetica...
الأربعاء، 12 مارس 2014
Applications in VB.Net

3:14Abhishek Choudhary Create a Simple Browser in VB5:27Abhishek Choudhary Create Facebook Phisher in VB(Updat...
الثلاثاء، 11 مارس 2014
Lyrics Fetcher By BittOo

Lyrics Generator is a program that provider lyrics of any songyou need to do is enter artist name and song name and hit GenerateIt is linked with Songlyrics.com so if the song lyrics does'nt exist on the websitethen it will show an error .Screen Shots :Download Link : https://adf.ly/fTr2kTutorial...
Keylogger By BittOo (Undetectable keylogger)

Hey peps !Recently i have designed a new keylogger ..As i am a white hat hacker i have'nt add top secrecy to itIt can be seen in Task Manager So if you accidentally ran ituse task manager to close itGo to process and find Keylogger By BittOoand end that processIt is invisible...
الاثنين، 10 مارس 2014
Add Facebook like popup box for blogger blogs

Just follow the Simple Steps : 1. Go to blogger dashboard > Layout 2. Now click on > Add a gadget ...
السبت، 8 مارس 2014
How To Display HTML / JavaScript Code In Blogger

Hey Peps ! Nowdays i was facing some problem in adding textbox to my blog's post ..Well textbox was'nt so CoOl so i found something new .. So follow my stepsStep 1 : Adding CSS to Templateso i found something new 1) Go to Blogger Dashboard → Template → Edit...