الثلاثاء، 27 مايو 2014
How to move borderless form (100% EASY) in VB.Net
Hey guys well form properties with formborderstyle - None is very good optionfor customizing your form.But the problem with this is we can't make our form draggable/movable.I have a very good solution for this problem Borderless...
الأحد، 25 مايو 2014
How to create a screen locker in VB.Net(Disable Alt+F4,Alt+Tab,Win Key etc)

In this tutorial we will see how to make a screen locker in vb.net with Alt+ Tab,Alt+ F4,Alt+ Esc,Windows key & Task Manager Disabled .Steps : 1) Create a new project in visual studio.2) Select form properties and set FormBorderStyle to None and WindowState to Maximized.3)...
الجمعة، 23 مايو 2014
Youtube Downloader 4.8.1 + Crack

Description:YTD Video Downloader - easy to use software that is designed for download and view video from popular services like YouTube, Facebook, Google Video, Yahoo Video etc. The software allows you to convert video to MP4, AVI, 3GP, WMV formats or for view on iPod, iPhone,...
الخميس، 15 مايو 2014
How to Create a Simple Registration Form in VB.Net
In this tutorial we are going to learn basics controls of Visual Basic Dot Net .If you are a beginner then this tutorial is for you .1)Open Visual Studio2)Select File->New Project3)Select "windows form application" & Name your project whatever you want.4)Hit Ctrl+Alt+X to get "Tool Box".5)To Create a form we need following things/controls:a)Labels...
الأربعاء، 7 مايو 2014

Google Drive is a file storage service (like Dropbox) provided by Google. It enables users to store their files on cloud storage and share files with others. So In this article we will see how to host your personal website using Google Drive. Google offers all users an initial...
السبت، 26 أبريل 2014
Samsung mobile unlock codes & tricks

Recently i got a PDF from my friend which includes samsung mobile unlocks code & tricks.So i have listed few of them, if you want more then download this PDF Listed below.Some unlock codes :To unlock your phone put asim from another company,now type *#9998*3323#it will reset...
Free Domain Name Registration Sites
Well ,everyone want free domain name for their blog .So i have made a list of websites who provide free domain names for your blog or website.But still i dont recommend any free domain name registration because these are low level domains, spend few dollars and buy a ".Com"...